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Educational Objectives

  1. School Motto


  2. School Vision

    Fostering creative global leaders with upright personality

  3. School Mission
    1. 1.Run a democratic school system to ensure students' peaceful and safe school
    2. 2.Reinforce the education for democratic citizenship to cultivate the attitude of living together
    3. 3.Open up classes and operate teachers' professional collaborative learning community to improve the quality of teaching
    4. 4. Run various curriculum to nurture creative leaders.
    5. 5.Activate the operation of International Exchange Program to broaden students'

Imae educational community

Imae educational community

Project Dream Hang Sung(D.H.S)

Project Dream Hang Sung(D.H.S)
Dream School
  • Design and operate various learner centered program
  • Fair and reasonable educational system
  • Operate research support program for teachers to advance
  • expertise in teaching
  • Accountable curriculum system for each subject
Happy Classroom
  • Develop teaching activities which include respect and
  • consideration for children
  • Innovative award system which principal visits students in the classroom.
  • Classes which spark students curiosity and encourage students participation
Students width Social skills
  • Promote ability to solve problems while listening to other's opinion attentively.
  • regular operations of various course-related club activities.